Backstory to this site
This website has it's origins in the r/asexuality subreddit wiki, which I authored over the course of approximately two years with help and feedback from the community there. I decided to copy the content over to its own stand-alone website for a few different reasons.
- It allows this resource to not be associated with Reddit, and to not be affected by their arbitrary decisions.
- It can make the resource come across more legitimately, so people might be more comfortable sharing it with, say, family members.
- It gives me much more control over formatting, images, and so on.
- It allows me to offer the site's content in the confidence that visitors will not be tracked or monitored in any way.
Other Activism I do
As well as maintaining this website I also engage in some other aspec activism.
- I run the @asexuality-handbook BlueSky account. (Formerly @GlasgowAce on Twitter.)
- I'm working on an asexuality reference book (approx. 250 pages). It will be similar to this website but covering more topics in more depth, and in a format more suited to consuming in its entirety.
- I'm head moderator at the r/asexuality subreddit, which had almost 150k members at the close of 2021.
- I'm a member of the IAD activism group. A world-wide collaboration that runs International Asexuality Day.
- I've also successfully lobbied the Scottish Government to include a mention of asexuality in their revised guidance on their LGBTI-inclusive curriculum. I will be continuing with this angle when they start public consultations on the new revisions.
If you want to get in touch regarding further activism opportunities or collaboration I'd love to hear from you. Just use the contact information below.
Contact info
If you want to get in touch you can fill out a form here. Alternatively you can visit my personal website at www.lukegompertz.com or contact me through BlueSky @asexuality-handbook.com.