Discovering you're asexual

I first figured it out through TV Tropes. I saw the term "Asexual" going through a page there and when I tried learning more about it, everything just sort of clicked.

– Anonymous

I knew about asexuality since a very early age, a character from a teens show from my country was one, but I was young so I didn't paid a lot of attention, I also think they must have pretty much only scrape the surface of it.

All I knew is that Asexuality = not wanting anything sexual. I thought I couldn't be because I like to fantasize and masturbate and watch porn/read smut and as I grew I just assume that my social anxieties were the reason why actual physical intimacy with another didn't seem attractive to me. And I actually made peace with that.

Over a year ago I found the term demisexuality in a fanfic and I read a bit about it and started toying with the idea I could be. Most of my fantasies were/are about fictional characters that I really liked so I thought maybe that was a bit demi, I felt attracted to people (fake ones) that I had a connection with and simply haven't met someone like that IRL.

The idea of demi stayed in my mind for almost a year but I didn't did a deep dive until I had a conversation with a person that made me want to be able to take a stand about myself and I to realize I couldn't because I wasn't sure. So I started to do actual research and realize I wasn't demi but must have been in the ace spectrum though I would still not call myself ace until I created this account here to plainly ask what people here thought of me, and people had the answer. Anegosexuality (or, as was told me, Aegosexuality). I read and everything clicked and I could easily call myself ace after that.

– Anonymous

I saw the word written in an lgbt forum, and I was like “oh. I don’t really want to have sex. ever.” I hadn’t given sex much thought before, I just sort of thought of it as something I didn’t need to worry about and therefore didn’t ever wonder about it.

– Anonymous

Knew I was different ever since I started puberty. Everyone told me "you'll like boys when you're older!" or "just wait, you'll find the right guy, then you'll know what the fuss is about." But it never happened. I believed for a while, but the older I got the weirder I felt because my feelings about men (and women, for that matter) never changed.

It all clicked that I was asexual after a particularly funny misunderstanding with some coworkers during a conversation about Justice League (they said they liked Aquaman, I mentioned I didn't really, then one asked "so what kind of guys are you're type?" Confusion ensued). I did some research and found AVEN, read about asexuality and realized it described me perfectly.

– Anonymous

When I got into high school was probably when I started realizing there was something different about me, for a while I ascribed it to being sheltered as a kid and being a late bloomer but as time went on I had an inkling that maybe it wasn't that. I was maybe 15 or 16 when I first heard the word asexuality and it kinda struck a chord with me, though like many I assumed it also meant a lack of romantic attraction (I am a hopeless romantic) so I kinda brushed it off. It was when I started watching BoJack Horseman, with its portrayal of an ace character, did I decide to look into it further. I found AVEN and [r/asexuality] and started to really dig into it and it all just made sense, like so many things in my life made sense all of a sudden.

– Anonymous